February 12, 2025


The Republic Community Band

Join the Band

First off, thank you for your interest in joining the band! We welcome everyone who is proficient in the basic playing of their instrument. While most music we play is not on a highly difficult level, just make sure you are practiced up and can play the range of your instrument and can read music. At this time, we do not have an overabundance of any one instrument to require auditions. While we typically have wind instruments and percussion, we are also open to stringed instruments and drum sets if you can transpose the parts you need. If you would like to get started with us, please fill out the form below. We’ll send you an email with a registration link to become a member and get you all the basic details.

Full Name(Required)
I understand that, for the best possible performance, regular rehearsal attendance is required and will do my best to make most regularly scheduled rehearsals.(Required)